125 | Companies with a significant tech component in the region |
868 | Tech Staff People whose role is mainly tech related, as reported by companies we have visited recently |
72 | In-depth discussions with local companies about the tech scene |
In the region
31 | Companies that have a current paid membership / subscription |
3 | People who have a current paid membership / subscription |
We are industry led, industry funded
5 | Companies with a current job opportunity listed here |
7 | Current local employment opportunities |
13 | Employers subscribe to a daily email summary of new people looking for work |
Helping local employers find staff
7 | People currently looking for a local job: 3 Junior, 2 Student, 1 Intermediate, 1 Senior, 127 all time |
58 | People subscribe to a daily email of new jobs |
0 | Tech Co-Founders looking for startups. 9 all time |
0 | Contractors available for hire. 18 all time |
43 | People have SFIA Skills Profiles. 15 are shared |
570 | Employment Connections Connecting an average of 2-3 people per week to potential work / staff |
Connecting local people to local job opportunities
17 | Companies that participate in formal internship programs through local tertiary providers |
0 | Students currently looking for an internship as part of their tertiary study |
2 | People currently offering to mentor others. 22 all time |
4 | People currently looking for a local mentor. 34 all time |
6 | Active mentoring relationships. 14 all time |
Encouraging a career-length view of tech work.
29 | In depth stories about local companies |
16 | Won by companies in the region |
0 | Followers of our company page on LinkedIn |
324 | Subscribers to the ManawaTech News email list |
Telling the story of local tech companies, keeping people up to date with information and events relevant to them
Stats generated 21 Jan 2025 01:08:19