Manawatū AgriFood Digital Lab
Manawatū AgriFood Digital Lab Logo
Level 1
John Lyttleton Building Entrance
Science Centre
2/31 Dairy Farm Road
Palmerston North 4472

Manawatū AgriFood Digital Lab

MAF Digital Lab is a solution focussed research centre developing applications of advanced technology within the primary production, agricultural and food supply chain. The group unites and leverages diverse capability in precision agriculture, primary production science, horticulture supply chains, sensor technology, robotics, AI and data science. We collaborate with industry leaders with extensive established networks and our eye is always on the horizon for new partnerships.

Skill3D Modelling Consulting Data Science Embedded Electronics Engineering Design Firmware Development Hardware Development Internet of Things Machine Learning / AI Prototyping Software Development Strategy User Experience (UX)

Massey lab encourages innovative students

Professor Johan Potgieter and his team at the Massey AgriFood Digital Lab are working on projects like robotics and 3D printing and are being noticed. more...